
Does Shaving Make Your Hair Grow Back Thicker?


"Shaving your body hair doesn't make it grow darker or thicker," says Everyday Health expert dermatologist Jessica Wu, MD, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the University of Southern California Medical School in Los Angeles. "Your hair is dead, and shaving it doesn't affect the living part of the hair, which is the follicle that sits deep under the skin.”

That's backed up by published research dating back as far as the 1920s, which measured how quickly individual hair shafts grew after shaving and found that razoring away hair had no effect on hair growth. Another classic paper published in 1970 studied five men who each shaved one leg weekly for several months and left the other leg alone. There was no difference in rate of hair growth or texture between the unshaved and shaved legs.

"It's a common belief because when hairs grow out naturally, they taper at a sharp point, so they look thinner,” says Dr. Wu. “However, shaving hair cuts it at a blunt angle so hairs look thicker — you see the cross section of the hair."

When your shaved hair grows back, the bluntness of the re-growth may feel coarser and thicker. It can also appear darker against the skin, but this is simply because it's more noticeable. But what actually determines the thickness of body hair is the size of the follicle from which the hair grows, says Wu, while your melanocytes (the cells that produce melanin, the pigment that colors hair and skin) determine how dark your body hair will be.

While shaving won't cause your body hair to grow back thicker or darker, it does produce bristly stubble — something many women would rather do without.

To get a smoother, closer shave, try these tips:

  • Use a sharp, clean razor. Replace your razor or blade whenever it becomes dull — which can vary according to how often you shave — or if you notice rust.
  • Try using a moisturizing gel or cream to help lubricate the hairs.
  • To help remove dead skin cells that can clog up the razor, exfoliate gently between shaving sessions.
  • Moisturize with lotion after showering to help keep skin soft and smooth.
  • Besides shaving, other popular body hair removal methods include waxing, threading, and depilatories. For the smoothest results, Dr. Wu recommends "waxing and threading, since they remove the hair [at the] root." If you never want to worry about body hair again, there's also electrolysis and laser hair removal, which target the follicles to permanently remove hair.



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  1. Anonymous7/20/2016

    Yes it definitely doesn't grow back thicker, it's already amazing how it even grows back if cut or shaved (if you shave a patch of your arms only that patch will be growing hair to restore their previous length), but it actually growing back thicker is really a superstition.
    I know that hair doesn't just linger at the same length eternally to only grow if cut, as the hair slowly sheds and any hair is at a different phase of its life to ensure there's always enough coverage of fully grown hair, unless they are constantly shaved of course. The point is that its total life cycle is different and longer than just its growing cycle!
    Let's say your arm hair grows little more than 1 cm, among unshaven hair many or most hair will be resting at that similar length, among them there is a layer of shorter hair, when such layer will reach the same length, the oldest layer among the fully grown hair will fall and new shorter ones will grow back.
    When we shave we see hair growing back to that same length, those who grow longer were not fully grown to start with, while some won't make to the old length because they are too old and at the end of their cycle :( rip.
    That's why some are falling short and we also lose hair of all lengths from our head :) but it's only alarming and a sign of miniaturization if it's falling much shorter than the current hair length and its tip is uncut.
