
How to get excited about life again


There comes a time when you hit rock bottom and can't take it anymore. Some hit that rock bottom after a serious life changing events, others just have a boring fucking Friday night that makes you want to end it all

You can hit this point at 20, 40 or 60. There is no age limit where you feel like a big change needs to happen. Something new or bringing back something old, that excitement you once had and somehow is now just gone without you knowing how it all happened and time just passed by and laziness, mediocrity and settlement took place.

How to shake shit up and get it all back now or get what you always knew you wanted to be and what deep inside you know you  are born to be and have and achieve even if you can't put it in real words. 

Everyone's story is different, your path is yours and yes your answer must be specific to you but that is mostly because you think not everyone has the same problems you do. The truth my friend is EVERYONE HAS THE SAME PROBLEMS YOU DO!!!! Get over yourself.

Most people focus on the small symptoms of the problems they have rather than the real problem. Most people think that the way their partner talks to them or the gift he bought for you on Valentine's is not good enough or the way he planned your anniversary is not good enough .... but the truth is that is not the problem. None of these small shitty situations are the real problem. The real problem is you don't feel loved enough no matter what anyone could do to please you. You don't appreciate others enough no matter how small or big their gestures towards you is.

This is just an example of relationship problems but this pattern applies to many other situations in our lives from work to creativity to fitness and diet .... etc 

We focus too much on the symptoms and you need to dig deeper. Find the root of the problem that affected the way you think about yourself, your life and your place in it. 

So here are  some steps you could follow to get out of the unsatisfying daily existence you call life and make it something you want that moves you:

  • Dig deep and find the real root of your problem and start looking at the things you call a problem as symptoms rather than the cause 

  • Make peace with the root of your problem. If it's a child abuse situation, make that dreadful phone call and have that conversation you never had about it and forgive others and yourself 

  • Accept that what happened happened and you cannot do anything about and move on 

  • Realize that all the bad stuff that happened is also a blessing that made you the strong person you are today and be thankful for it 

  • Don't focus on just the bad. Life is full of beautiful things no matter how boring it might get sometimes. If you have enough food in the fridge, if you can just turn the faucet and get clean water, you are more fucking blessed than you can ever imagine 

  • Stop focusing on fear of things that will never happen or have a one in a billion chance of happening. If you have made to 40 or 50 years in life and nothing really major happened, what are the chances that anything so scary could happen in the next 40 or 50 years! Most of the time, we are afraid of things that have almost zero chance of ever happening or that if they did, they won't be as scary as we make ourselves believe. 

  • Take chance. That thing you always wanted to do no matter how small it is or meaningless to many people it might seem, JUST FUCKING GO AND DO IT! If you want to skydive, go and do it! every small scary thing you can do now will make you want to do more and take more chances about things that are much bigger in life like having kids or quitting your job .... just try one scary thing and see how it will shake up your life 

  • Stop distracting yourself and wasting valuable time doing small little meaningless shitty tasks. Creating that dream Pinterest board is not going to get you  the life you want. Inspiration bullshit is just that inspirational and then it becomes bullshit. No one ever accomplishes anything but looking an inspirational quotes or videos. At the end of all that wasted time, you are still sitting in a chair with your hand on a mouse and nothing happened! Get up and get out and go DO something that moves you towards what you want in life. If you always wanted to be fit, stop reading fitness inspirational quotes and starring at fit people, that shit won't make you fit. Turn off that computer, get out of your place and go MOVE! It does not have to be running 10 miles, just fucking walk even for 10 minutes. You will change your mind and then you will want to do more. Small steps are bigger than you can imagine 

  • Focus on action and ask why you do what you do. Everytime you find yourself doing anything with your time, stop and ask yourself why you do what you do now and how is it helping you become the person you want to be. If it does not move you towards your goals. STOP IMMEDIATELY!

  • Be thankful and proud of every small accomplishment. No one has ever become a better person by beating themselves for not going running 10 miles today. Be proud that you got out of the house and walked 10 min. Stop thinking that you SHOULD do this or that and if it's not big, it does not count. That is a shitty attitude and a big lie. The only way you will get to do big things is if you do the small ones. So do the small ones, don't care about what anyone thinks of them or thinks of you doing them and be proud of them even if assholes make fun of you for saying out loud that you walked 10 min today. Fuck them! You will be laughing when you get to run that marathon one day BUT the only way to run that marathon is to walk that 10 min and be PROUD of it. Don't ever minimize your efforts no matter how small they are as long as they get you close to your goal.

  • Stay consistent. This is more important than you can ever imagine. These small steps you are taking towards the goal must be done everyday no matter how boring you think they are. Make them fun to do, yes you can do that. Walk a different route for 10 minutes everyday, listen to different music in your walk, take the dog today or even the cat... just do something in that minutes walk everyday. Then one day you will want to walk 20 minutes because that is more exciting or maybe stay within 10 minutes but try to run and see how you get today. Whatever you can or want to do, do it, there are no rules. Just do it EVERYDAY! Magic will happen trust me 

  • Be open for surprises. Life is not always a plan. Yes you could be doing all the things you think you should to get where you want but sometimes you have to take a detour because life happens that way or maybe because along your path you actually found out that what you always thought was your destiny or calling or purpose is really not yours. You found that you had no interest in being a doctor. It was more your parents' dream. So what, quit medical school now and go be an actor or a photographer or whatever you found passion for. It will sound like a failure to others but you will be happier on the long term and those people will be dead anyways so their opinion does not matter 

  • ENJOY! Enjoy the rose. Stop criticizing everything because you think it's supposed to be this or that way. Life is truly beautiful no matter how many wars are going on right now and how many people are being murdered or how many stupid people vote for dumb politicians .... those stupid things and stupid people will always exist and you can't do anything about that annoying little fact of life. Focus your energy on the positive, surround yourself with positive people and accept the fact that somethings and some people are just not going to ever be the way you want them to be. So enjoy the good, don't think about the stupid and change what you don't like when you can. Life is too short  to be wasted on annoyances that will suck the life out of you while you are fighting a battle trying to get that life back into you. You will live a miserable life sucking existence forever if you focus on the negative and don't enjoy the good

  • Respect people but don't give a fuck what they think. Every one is fighting a battle in this life so give due respect to everyone and be loving and compassionate even when you don't understand why people think the way they think or do what they do. You are not in their shoes and neither they are so they should not judge your existence and you  should definitely not give a shit. Too many people die never have lived because they spend their entire life trying to please others or focus on getting approval from others therefore only doing what others would like them to do and that leads to a mediocre painful life 

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